Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Lose Love Handles’ Unwanted Fat & Make Our Abs Sexy Flat?

Ashamed of fatty waist and hanging belly almost all the figure-conscious people concentrate on removing unwanted fat from theirs waist and immensely do seek to learn how to lose love handles easily and quickly. Instead of following some health regimen in haste for removing undesirable fat or reducing weight of your body you rather should get yourself introduced extensively with result-yielding tricks or effective liposuction. A combination of nutritious diets and physical exercises yield the desired result in removing unwanted fat from the waist. Though the manufacturers of variety of fat-burning machines claim their products to remove unwanted fat from the fatty waist and many adjacent regions of belly amazingly, their promises seem to be deluding. The effect of all the exercising machines on our bulky abdomen and fatty waist happens to be temporary as whatever we get rid of, is occupied again by newly produced unscrupulous fat, noticed in the form of hanging muscles. It’s not only you but everyone in the world who wants to get rid of redundant fat of their waist and belly.
Those who feel ashamed of their lethargic body becoming obese due to excessive fat leave hardly any stone un-turned in getting rid of unwanted fat of their belly and waist. They do jogging, run up to several miles or fight with quaint workout machines several hours everyday in order to chisel theirs lethargic or bulky body into a slim and trim figure, contemplating especially on the protruded or hanging fat of theirs waist and belly. But despite doing regular exercises and remaining physically active the obese people fail to get rid of fatty regions of their waist. Do you know why? It is due only to theirs failing to synchronize their food consumption with regular workouts.
Believe me or not, liposuction of fat from the waist is not as easier as you must be thinking about. The fatty waist and belly can’t be freed from unsolicited fat unless and until you have a great resolve to remove unwanted fat from yours waist and fatty belly even staking your delicious diets. Those who manage to get rid of surplus fat of theirs waist and bulky belly feel immense frustration by noticing the same regions encroached again by undesirable fat. Only the body-builders or the sports persons are found lucky in maintaining their fatless figure as they remain not active only but take even healthy diets to meet requirement of actual calories for their body and boosting natural energy. The sports persons do not waste their time in learning how to lose love handles or fat of theirs waist and bulky belly as theirs remaining active for several hours itself keeps unsolicited fat at bay. But what about those who though perform different types of fat-burning workouts or do physical activities such as jogging, cycling or playing but fail to lose love superfluous fat of theirs waist and abdomen. It is actually some lacuna on their part that renders theirs overall fat-burning activities or the workouts completely futile causing in this way a tremendous paranoia of learning how to lose love handles easily, quickly and permanently.
A little about the love handles
The love handles actually are the fatty regions of waist spoiling entire figure of the people. Fat affects not only the sides of waist but abs as well calling for fast removal of unwanted fat. The unwanted fat, stored on some specific regions of human body including the waist and belly pose grave risk to the health of person requiring prompt fat-retrenching treatment. The individuals with fatty body get easily tired, become lethargic and feel ashamed of their fatty figure but they find themselves completely helpless in controlling unsolicited fat of their waist, for they do not know how to lose unwanted fat from the waist and bulky belly.
Though it is a general concept that only the obese are affected of fatty waist and bulky belly, the fact actually is that almost all the people in the world are affected of such conditions requiring effective fat-removing regimen or liposuction. Even the slimmer individuals may notice undesirable fat over theirs waist that exposes their entire figure as ugly. Relinquishing the fatty foods and cutting down the diets though reduce weight, its effect on fatty regions of waist happens to be negligible. It is the only reason that the people aspiring to look dashing by their figure want to remove unwanted fat from their waist and abdomen as quickly as possible. The diseased individuals, affected with different types of dreaded diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, stroke, degenerative diseases, cardiac, arthritis and asthma, also are needed to get rid of unwanted fat of their body including the waist and the belly.
Excessively perpetuated unwanted fat over the belly and the waist forces the affected individuals to know how to lose love handles’ unwanted fat and make their abdomen flat. The people anxious of their waist and belly’s surplus fat do at their best to get rid of abashing condition. The fat-controlling exercises though deal with unsolicited fat of entire body, the opted physical exercises, especially for eliminating fat from the waist and belly, should target exact region of fatty waist and bulky abdomen to remove unwanted fat there from effectively.
The types of fat causing the love handles
There are two types of fats which develop unwanted love handles on our waist such as sub-cutaneous fat and visceral fat. The sub-cutaneous fat existing as the protection on outer surface of abdomen and waist’s skin prevents the muscles from becoming visible, while the visceral fat exists deep into the waist and abdomen exposing the fatty regions as hard fatty muscles. Those who want to get rid of fatty regions of their waist and abdomen should get themselves rid actually of the sub-cutaneous fat and the visceral fat existing in their waist and abdomen. Though maximum numbers of the individuals do seek to get rid of superfluous fat of their belly for the sake of sexy figure with flat ab, the diseased obese want to remove the excessively stored unwanted fat of their abdomen for healthy life. It is vigorous inflammation caused by visceral fat within the abdomen that forces the obese or the diseased individuals to eliminate excessive fat of their abdomen and waist simultaneously.
Why the individuals fail to get rid of fatty region of their waist?
It is very important question as it draws the attention of the obese towards actual condition of fat’s perpetuation on their waist. When seeking to lose superfluous fat from your waist you should be aware of the following points that often render all the efforts of eliminating tenacious fat from fatty regions of waist completely futile.
  • Human body gets used to exercises- Those who initially perform hard workouts excitedly to bid farewell to unwanted fat of their waist do experience excruciating pain within their muscles of abdomen and waist. Such pain though persists for a few days it disappear naturally allowing the exerciser to perform same exercises without any pain. Though an exerciser gets rid of exercising-pain what he actually gets deprived of is the fat-burning effect due only to his body getting used to the regular workouts. Such contrary effect allows the unsolicited fat to perpetuate unaffected. The exerciser’s body gets used to routine exercising impact following which the effect of fat burning exercise gets reduced to a great extent causing in him or her a frustration. It happens with almost all the individuals, curious to get rid of unwanted fat hanging from their waist and belly. Seeing no result the fat-anxious individuals often randomize their routine exercises, meant for eliminating fat from fatty regions of their waist, which results into theirs being awarded with surplus fat storing over all the sides of their waist and belly.
  • Improper exercises- As all the exercises, targeted at reducing fat body, are painful and tiresome, the people longing to develop slim and trim fatless-body prefer to operate the exercising machines slowly without ensuring precise speed which also renders all their efforts of getting rid of unwanted fat of their waist and abdomen completely futile. The slow exercise is needed only for warming up the body and its muscles and those who fear of excruciating pain to be caused in their muscles due to tough exercises do their workouts very slowly and see no any result. Though the blood circulation starts making the exerciser feel afresh and energetic, loosing the love handles or fat of the waist looks a far-fetched matter.
  • Consumption of fatty food items- The individuals, anxious of fatty region of their waist, believe that regular fat-reducing exercises will help them get rid of surplus fat and hence they do consume frankly whatever they like a lot, such as pasties, cakes, chocolates, patties and many more without bothering to know its repercussion on their body, especially the waist and the belly. Keep it always in your mind that even if you cut down the food intakes to reduce the weight of your body, the fatty regions of your waist will not be eliminated, though your body may become skinny and look like a skeletal. Is there any use of adhering to such exercise that yields no any desired result except wasting the time and squandering physical energy?  
How to lose love handles? (Liposuction)
Before we reveal some result-oriented tricks of losing unwanted fat from waist and bulky belly, we would like to tell you frankly my friends that nobody can get rid of fat of his or her waist easily as its removal is a difficult job. Even if you plan not to eat fatty foods and curtail the number of diets, the removal of fat from your fatty waist and abdomen will still haunt you as paranoia. You can get extensively emaciated by cutting down the foods but can’t get rid of unwanted fat of your waist as easily as you must be hoping. Those who get hypnotized of the commercial ads promising of removing unwanted fat from the waist, abdomen and other parts of body astonishingly do atone of theirs being influenced by the ads after sometimes. There are many prominent companies, who currently are exploiting the paranoia of fatty people by selling them their so called magical fat-burning products such as the pills, abs roller contraptions and many other peculiar products and earning great profit in return. If you want to lose surplus fat of your waist then you will have to coordinate fat-retrenching exercises with nutritious diets avoiding fat-causing edible items. Relinquishing the processed foods, drinking 5/6 liters of water daily and doing regular physical works have got to solve a question, how to lose unwanted fat of our waist and abdomen. What plays a significant role in burning unsolicited fat is stimulating the metabolic function of body and produce thereby hormone in plenty. Instead of making you grope into the darkness of dilemma regarding waist’s fat problem, we are now presenting below some proven tricks that have got to help get rid of fatty waist and boast of yours slim and trim body.
  • Avoid fatty food products- Even if you can’t control your crave for the delicious food products containing great amount of fat, you should do it for the sake of exceptional figure you dream of by removing unwanted fat from your entire body including the waist and bulky abdomen.
  • Drink 5/6 liters of water daily- Cold water increases the metabolic function of body thus naturally burns the fat. It is the water that cleanses the entire digestive system and removes unwanted fatty molecules which cause fat in the body, visible on our waist and abdomen. 
  • Reduce the intakes of the foods- It is not only difficult but impossible for those who can’t live without eating what they like a lot. Don’t worry. You need not to be upset for not being allowed to consume in sufficient quantity what you actually are crazy for. Eat whatever you have tremendous crave for, but only after filling your stomach with plenty of water. You shouldn’t be worried what you would eat after drinking excessive amount of water as whatever is to be consumed by you will satisfy yours appetite and contribute in removing unwanted fat from yours waist and abdomen.
  • Eat the fresh leafy vegetables and the fruits- You should add in your diet salad, boiled leafy vegetables and drink a glass of mixed-fruit-juice after finishing the meal.
  • Do physical exercises- Exercises or workouts doesn’t mean that you’ve to operate heavy exercising machines or treadmill as what you should aim at is burning what is produced as the fat within your body following consumption of foods. If you reduce the intakes of foods the production of fat automatically will go down and some exercises done by you will burn extra fat in the remaining parts of your body including the waist and the belly. If you are not in a position to do any physical exercise, you can walk for a few kilometers daily that also is one of the best exercises burning unwanted fat of body amazingly. 
  • Lemon tea- As all the citrus juices retrench the redundant fat, the fresh lemon juice plays a significant role in burning unsolicited fat of entire body. Drink the black lemon tea (without milk) five to six times a day and you will notice within a week that excessive fat of your waist and abdomen will get removed amazingly.
  • Avoid exertion on your body- Do not do over exercise to intensify fat-burning-effect on your body as it may put you into trouble. Do only the mild exercises up to yours natural caliber and not beyond.
  • Avoid sugary products- Consuming the high calorie food products containing sugar, starch and protein contributes in the production of fat in the body, noticed easily on our waist, abdomen, thighs and hips.
  • Consume fibrous food products- The fibrous foods clean our stomach and keep constipation at bay. These are many fibrous foods which keep us healthy without allowing unwanted fat to be stored on our waist, belly and other parts of body.
  • Have sex with your partner- Last but not the least, is the sex that has got to reduce you weight and shift superfluous fat stored on your waist and abdomen on the remaining part of your body recovering you from immense paranoia of how to lose love handles and develop sexy flat abs and figure.

Fat Burning Compatible Foods & Other Effective Tips

Increased weight of body always deforms the look and figure of individuals worrying them a lot. Unscrupulous production of fat in the body forces figure-conscious individuals either to join a gym or bid a farewell to their delicious foods. Although gym is supposed to help by burning unwanted fats much faster, retrenching of foods may not be feasible for all as the chances of many latent health complications erupting due to scarcity of foods can’t be ruled out any more. But the healthy foods, known as the fat burning compatible foods, can to a greater extent, burn unscrupulous fats of body without causing any negative effects to the individuals concerned. The fat burning compatible foods are termed as negative calorie foods as well, recommended by the health experts and nutritionists. 
Those who have enormous caliber of operating heavy machines at gym or performing effective exercises regularly may hardly bother to opt for some other easiest way of burning fats and reduce weight of their body as the sole aim of chiseling their personality into a slim and trim or a most dashing figure will make them ignore adhering to slow fat burning way, that is, the compatible foods.Almost all the energetic youths long for living their life happily enjoying all the delicious foods and taking drinks.They forget that whatever they burn at gym through long hour exercise recurs again in their body due to fatty or oily foods, consumed with a great interest at the parties or celebratory functions.
Another demerit existing with the gym exercises or other forms of anaerobic exercises is the re-emergence burnt fats following a discontinuation of ongoing exercise due to some unavoidable conditions. It has been noticed that a permutation in a continued exercise always makes the exercising individual too bulky and fatty by his/her entire figure contrary to their belief. It is the sole reason that the health experts and nutritionists advice the figure-conscious ones to adhere only to fat burning compatible foods rather that sticking to pain causing workouts only. As our whole discussion revolves only around fat burning methods we would contemplate on some compatible foods playing their effective role in retrenching or burning unscrupulous fats without calling for strenuous efforts on a part of weight-anxious individuals.
Let it be pointed out over here that the compatible foods being too effective in burning existing fats of body and preventing it from returning again is feasible for all the physically weak individuals and recommended widely as the consistent foods for almost all the lethargic and fatty ones as a result-oriented fat burning tip. Some of you must have developed a question in your mind now why the lethargic or weaker ones can’t get rid of their unwanted fats. And its answer lies in their physical labefaction which doesn’t allow them to perform excruciatingly pain causing workouts. Keep it remember that performing an exercise requires an individual to have enough stamina to set his/her body into action/motion which becomes a precarious work to perform for the physically weak people and so does not yield any desired result despite relentless efforts by the individual to burn fats.
So far you must have come across a fact that fat burning really is a tough task to accomplish for the figure-anxious individuals, while the food consumption is not. OK, now let’s move to consuming the foods only overlooking routine precarious exercises. Triggering the idea for burning unwanted fats and reducing the weight will require you to explore fat burning compatible foods which are being presented over here. Consume the best compatible fat burning foods, effective enough in reducing the weight and burning fat efficiently. Favorable for health, the fat burning foods provide sufficient calorie as well required for human body. What I find indispensable and would like to share with your as a most conspicuous fact is a restraint on your part which you should exercise when consuming the variety of foods randomly as such foods can produce enormous fat in your body than your body burns. Adding the following foods as fat burning compatible foods has got to reduce your weight and prevent the fats from getting stored over your body unscrupulously.
  • Fruits- Oranges, pineapples, grapes, cantaloupe, carrots and guava.
  • Vegetables- Broccoli, cabbage, green beans, tomatoes and spinach should be taken as the fat burning compatible foods.
  • Breakfast- Consume the oatmeal, cream-less milk, whole grain cereal and apples.
  • Spicy foods- Cayenne peppers and Chile peppers.
  • Meat & Fish- If you can’t miss the fish and meat, consume only turkey, chicken, lean beef, tuna and salmon can be taken as the fat burning compatible foods.
  • Beverages or drinks-  Coffee, green tea, black lemon tea, tomato soup and pineapple or all types of citrus juices.
Some other effective fat burning tips
  • Do not consume the junk or processed foods.
  • Avoid the deep fried potato products.
  • Abandon the butter-slathered toast at breakfast.
  • Drink only icy cold water as much as possible. Let it be made clear over here that the taste of water, except during the thirst, may not be good for you but you should drink it as the compatible drink, effective enough in burning your fat efficiently.
  • Reduce the intake of sugar and other carbohydrate products to a greater extent as it also will contribute in preventing storage of fat in your body.
  • If you feel hungry again and again, consume carrots and drink lemon tea.
  • If you attend dinner parties occasionally then instead of seizing upon the plate filled with spicy foods, fill your plate with salad containing compatible fruits and raw vegetables.  
  • Before taking your meal, drink several glasses of water regularly in order to restrict the quantity of food to specific level. 
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Fast Weight Loss Tips

ok bulky and ugly by their physique. Not only does their deformed figure become a cause of anxiety to them, but several newly cropped up diseases also make them fidgety ones, compelling them to loss weight and unscrupulous fats of their body. Unplanned consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods plays a pivotal role in increasing weight in men, women and children, developing in this way a problem of obesity among them all. Though problem of weight is very common to emerge in adults, making their waist, belly and chest too fatty, children also are not behind in gaining weight and getting bulky due only to their unplanned and arbitrary consumption of variety of high-cholesterol based foods. Keeping in view weight gain, becoming a serious problem in the world, we are presenting over here a few proven tips on fast weight loss.
  • Have as much water as you can fifteen to twenty minutes before heading to have you meal.
  • Have twenty glasses of water daily between 8am and 7pm.
  • Have hot lemon tea five to six times a day, without mixing milk in that. Green tea also may help you loss your weight efficiently.
  • Have a glass of chilled milk without cream containing cream within it while heading for sleep.
  • Have a glass of lemon water just at rising from your bed in the morning.
  • Say good bye to butter, cheese, oil and all kinds of fatty foods.
  • Do not consume rice and potatoes. Avoid even products made of rice and potato.
  • Have two to three glasses of grapefruit juice everyday. Regular intakes of grapefruit juice has got to reduce your weight so extensively that you will amaze of its magical power.
  • Forget even the sweet products if you really are worried of losing your weight fast.
  • Avoid enjoying the soft drinks.
  • Consume plenty of fibrous foods.
  • Reduce sleep. Keep yourself engaged either in watching TV or reading books till the late night hours in order to avoid sleep. Rise early in the morning by 5am and go out for walk.
  • Do a morning walk, if you can bear the people walking around you, running or exercising in the morning in their quaint gesture. Yoga and mild workouts are sufficient to warmup your body and help you loss weight much faster.
  • Reduce the number of breads. It’d better for you to give an importance to the vegetable soup and salad while having your meal. Increase the intake of protein in your diets
  • Consume fresh raw fruits as much as you can.
  • Reduce the intake of salt.
  • In the breakfast take only one or two toast only, slathering over it  meager quantity of cream only. Do not apply butter over toast even mistakenly as it will render all of your efforts to loss your weight futile.
  • Instead of swallowing foods in haste, rather chew them properly.
  • After finishing your dinner, walk up three thousand meters every day in the evening.
  • Avoid sitting on chair for more than three hours. Change your posture after every three-hour. Continuous sitting at one place stores the fats around waist and love-handles.

Diets For Quick Weight Loss

People, conscious not only of their health but figure as well, seek to get rid of unscrupulous fats of their body much faster. They want to adhere to such an effective weight loss and diet program that can help them loss their weight effectively.
Gaining weight with increasing age is a common phenomenon to affect all the men and women in the world. Though all the people boast of their slim and trim body and skin of their youthful years, they feel ashamed of their lethargical body in the latter part of their life. They spend much of theirs precious time only on exploring effective ways to loss their weight quickly just after crossing forty years of their age.
Weight gain is the major cause of several health complications which can easily be solved if the effective weight loss workouts and diet regimen are expedited on a priority basis by the people themselves. Almost all the people remain dormant towards reducing their fats and losing weight till they are made aware by some one of theirs deformed body and other health related complications like tiredness and sluggishness.
Resulting out of excessive fats, stored all over their body, the weight poses a great challenge to the people in a form of obesity and love handles. Only regular workouts and balanced diets for quick weight loss can help the people meet their purpose efficiently. Though any one else can decide to go for such weight loss regimen, without proper planing it is not likely to yield the result, people must be dreaming of. 
If you seek to loss your weight, you will have to reduce the intakes of foods or diets as well. How can you loss your weight, if you replenish whatever you have burnt already through exercises under any weight loss regimen. Look into the diets for a quick weight loss if you really want to loss your weight quickly.
Those who seek to loss their weight are required to cut down intakes of calories, which their diets provide them with. An individual is needed to maintain a balance of energy produced in his/her body by burning it in same way. Whenever we fail to burn the energy(calories), we pave the way for weight-increase in turn, which renders all of our efforts to loss weight quickly futile. We are left only with our bulky and fatty figure.
Whatever we consume as our diets produce sufficient energy in our body. Excessive or random consumption of foods store a great amount of calories in our body, warranting us to burn it quickly. And any dis-balance between the calories produced and calories burnt renders the body lethargic, by increasing weight enormously.
The cardiovascular workouts increase metabolic function that contributes to a great extent in reducing fats and making our body loss weight quickly. Those who cant go for exercises rather should adhere to a mild exercises like walking, swimming and cycling. If we embark upon effective weight loss regimen such as cardiovascular exercises and diets for quick weight loss, we can experience the result sooner and faster.
People, seeking to loss their weight quickly, should plan their diets in advance. Make sure, that whatever you produce in your body as calories with your routine diets, is burnt either through physical labour or workouts, without letting them store in your body in a form fats.
Muscles get converted into fats if not burnt or toned through regular physical exercises. You should keep this fact uppermost in your mind and prevent your body from gaining weight. In order to loss your weight you should establish a proper balance between calories produced and its usage, that is, burning. We should plan our diets according to the need of our body for calories.
People, seeking to loss their weight should synchronize their food consumption along with appropriate workouts. They should ensure that their diets not only meet their hunger but replenish all the required nutrients and vital elements as well. Fiber-rich foods, vegetables and fruits are the effective diets to be consumed for quick weight loss. Juice, fresh fruits, fibered foods should be included in the diets to prevent fats from storing in the body. Planned diets help the people loss their weight easily, efficiently and quickly and keep them physically fit and healthy as well.
Instead of consuming whatever you encounter at your dining table, you should look into subsequent effect of their consumption. Avoid in your diets all the dairy products that contain excessive amount of fats like butter, cheese and cream.
Some of the most effective and hundred percent weight reducing consumable items are watermelon, marsh melon, cucumber, bottle gourd, snake gourd and pumpkins. Include them in your diets for quick weight loss. Consume white meat, sprout and whole grain as the healthy diets for quick weight loss. They surly are to help you loss your weight quickly and effectively.
Apart from retrenching food intakes and bidding adieu to fatty items in your diets, do alongside some physical workouts as well to prevent fat gain and loss weight with a great success.
There are a variety of exercises which individuals, seeking to loss their weight and cut unwanted fats, can go for. Some anaerobic and sprint exercises are to help you loss your weight quickly and effectively. Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective ones that can help you loss weight quickly.
If you adhere to workouts in order to loss weight, reduce your diets as well at the same time. Though the workouts efficiently cut down the fats, helping individual loss his or her weight effectively, it often gets futile if the diets are not kept under check. Make sure that whatever you eat should be burnt without letting it get stored in your body.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Create Your Weight Loss Diet Plan

n Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet, you learned how to lose weight. You learned that the key to weight loss is being in a calorie deficit, which means you are burning more calories than you are consuming. You learned that to do this, you just need be about 500 calories below your calorie maintenance level. You also learned that while this is the only real requirement of weight loss, making sure these calories are coming from the right food sources is also important.
Now, in Phase 2, you're going to learn how to put this information to use and create your own weight loss diet plan. The very first thing you're going to need to do is figure out what your calorie maintenance level is...

Calculate your daily calorie maintenance level.

Your daily calorie maintenance level is the key number in creating your weight loss diet plan. It is based on many factors and is specific to each person. For example, you and your friend might be the same height and weight, but you might have maintenance levels that are hundreds of calories apart. Since the effectiveness of your weight loss diet plan depends a lot on this number, it is important that you figure it out as accurately as possible.
For the most part there are really only 2 methods of figuring out this "magic" number. The first is a pretty close estimate, and the second is as accurate as can be.
1. Here's the method for getting the "pretty close estimate" of your calorie maintenance level. It requires putting your gender, weight, height, age and activity level through a 6th grade level math formula. However, I have assumed that no one actually wants to sit around doing 6th grade math. I was right, wasn't I? So, I've included a calculator for it instead. All you need to do now is just fill out the quick form below and hit "Calculate!" and you will instantly get your estimated calorie maintenance level. Go ahead and try it...
Your gender: Male Female

Your height:  feet  inches

Your weight:  pounds

Your age:  years old

Your activity level: 


Your estimated daily calorie maintenance level is:  

2. While the above method is probably accurate enough for most people (it was actually very close for me), I can't say for sure if it will be as accurate for everyone. And, since this is the number that will be at the heart of your weight loss diet plan, I'm going to mention the second method. It's not so much a "method" as it is a "test."
Basically, you would start eating a certain number of calories each day and then closely monitor what your weight does when consuming this many calories. For example, if you maintained weight eating this certain number calories per day, you have found your maintenance level. If you gained weight, lower your calorie intake a little and see what happens then. If you lose weight, then you know you're already below your calorie maintenance level.
If you want to give method #2 a try, I'd suggest using your current calorie intake as the number of calories to start the "test" on. To figure this number out, pick a day and eat like you normally would. The only difference is you will be keeping track of the number of calories in everything you consume. At the end of the day add it all up. Do this for a few days and then take an average of all the days. This average is the average amount of calories you are currently taking in each day and would make a perfect starting point for method #2.
Which method you decide to use is up to you. Feel free to use both, by the way.

Create your weight loss diet plan.

Now that you know what your daily calorie maintenance level is, it's time to officially create your weight loss diet plan.
To do this, just subtract 500 from your calorie maintenance level.
For example, if you figured your maintenance level to be 3000 calories per day, you would now start eating 2500 calories per day instead. It's really as easy as it sounds. Just subtract 500 from your daily maintenance level and then start eating this new amount of calories each day. By doing so, you would officially be in a calorie deficit. And, as you know, a calorie deficit is what makes weight loss happen.
As for how and when you should consume those calories, that's completely up to you and your own preferences. Eat them all in 3 big meals, 6 small meals, every 2 hours, every 5 hours... whatever. It literally makes no difference whatsoever how you do it as long as your total calorie intake is the same for the day. You may have heard differently... like how eating 5-6 smaller meals magically "speeds up your metabolism" or something along those lines. But the truth is that it's all nonsense.
I know everyone used to suggest (and many still incorrectly do) that a higher meal frequency was better for weight loss (hell, articles I wrote years ago may still even contain that recommendation), but research in recent years has proven it to be a silly myth with no scientific evidence at all. So, the key is to do whatever is easiest and most enjoyable for you. Whatever meal schedule is most likely to allow you to consistently eat the right total amount of calories per day... THAT'S what you should do.
All that's left to do now as far as your weight loss diet plan goes is make sure that the calories you are consuming each day are coming from the right food sources...


Besides just being a requirement for overall health and function, protein is an extremely important part of The Lose Weight Diet (and all weight loss diets) because of the roles it plays in controlling hunger and maintaining muscle while fat is lost. As far as food sources go, the best sources of protein tend to come from anything that used to be alive, or anything that came from something that used to be alive. Some high protein foods include:
lean cuts of meat
eggs and egg whites
Protein can also be found in all types of nuts, seeds and beans. And of course, there are always protein supplements in the form of powders, shakes and bars. I fully explain the purpose and benefits of protein supplements here: Protein Powder
As far as how much protein you should include in your weight loss diet plan per day, that depends on the person. For example, the average person who doesn't exercise at all needs less protein than someone who does. Something in the range of a MINIMUM of 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight might be alright in this case. For example, if the person weighed 180lbs, you would do 180 x 0.5 = 90 grams of protein per day.
However, someone who does exercise should eat somewhere in the range of .6 - 1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. In this example a person weighing 180lbs would look to eat between 108 - 180 grams of protein per day. This is what I'd recommend most often.
The only other thing you need to know about protein is that 1 gram contains 4 calories. So, for example, if you were to eat 100 grams of protein per day, that would account for 400 calories. (100 x 4 = 400)


Despite any crazy ideas that have been put into your head, fat isn't all bad. Some types are definitely terrible for you (trans fat), some types are much less bad but still not great (saturated fat), and some types are actually good bordering on REALLY good (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat). "Bad fats" can be found in all of the usual junk foods that you already know you shouldn't eat. "Good fats" on the other hand can be found in foods like:
nuts and seeds
olive oil
fish oil supplements (see below)
(*Important Note* Practically every single person reading this should be taking a fish oil supplement. It's the most scientifically proven supplement there is, with a seemingly endless number of benefits. Put it this way, it will improve your body's ability to do damn near everything (including lose fat). I fully explain all of this in my article about supplements here: Fish Oil)
As for how much fat should be included in your weight loss diet plan... about 25% of your total calorie intake should come from fat.
To figure this out, the first thing you need to know is that 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. So, if an example person figured out that their daily calorie intake should be 2500 total calories per day (again, just an example), they'd find that 25% of 2500 is 625 calories. They'd then divide 625 by 9 (because fat has 9 calories per gram) and get 69. Which means, this example person would eat about 69 grams of fat per day.
And of course, most of this fat should come in the form of the "good" food sources listed above.


Now that you know how much protein and fat your weight loss diet should include, it will be pretty easy to figure out how many carbs you should eat. Quite simply, the rest of your diet should be carbs. Once you factor protein and fat into your total calorie intake, whatever calories are left over to reach the number of calories you figured you need to eat per day... those calories should come from carbs.
1 gram of carbs contains 4 calories. So, for example, after factoring protein and fat into what you calculated your total calorie intake should be (500 below maintenance level, remember?), let's say you are 1200 calories below that number. In this example you would need to eat 300g of carbs per day. (1200 ÷ 4 = 300)
And, just like fat, not all types of carbs are equal. More complex, lower glycemic, nutrient-rich foods are much more ideal for appetite control and overall health than simple, higher glycemic, highly processed junk. Some sources of the "good" carbs are:
fruits and vegetables
brown rice
sweet potatoes and white potatoes
whole grains and 100% whole grain products
The "bad" type of carbs would be the typical snack/junk foods like crackers, pretzels, chips, cookies, etc. as well as white bread and white rice, candy, and drinks or food high in sugar. While you should definitely try to limit these "bad" carbs as much as possible and get most of your carb intake from foods on the "good" list, eating some white bread or pasta once in a while won't kill you.


Remember, the most important part of The Lose Weight Diet is making sure you are 500 calories below your calorie maintenance level. Everything you just read about protein, fat and carbs was to give you an idea of how to divide those calories up so that your weight loss diet plan is as balanced as possible. The guidelines mentioned aren't just ideal for weight loss, they're also ideal for good health in general.

You have reached the end of Phase 2. Right now you should not only know how to lose weight, but you should also know exactly what your specific weight loss diet plan should be so YOU can lose weight. You know how many calories you need to eat, and you know where those calories should come from. For the most part, you're done. Take a breath. It's a good feeling, isn't it?
All that's left now is some final information to not only make sure you continue losing weight, but to make sure you keep the weight off once it's gone. That's what Phase 3 will explain. Also, any questions that may have popped into your head during Phase 1 and 2 will be answered in Phase 3. So... let's go...

Learn How To Lose Weight

Welcome to Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet. For anyone just starting here, let me quickly mention that this weight loss diet plan is completely free. Yes, really. There will be nothing to pay for or sign up for first. It's all free. I swear. Now, on to Phase 1.
The purpose of Phase 1 is going to make a ton of sense. You see, in order to successfully reach your weight loss goals, you're going to first need to understand how to lose weight. (I told you it would make sense.) That's what Phase 1 is. A complete, yet easy to understand explanation of exactly what is required for weight loss to take place. How it happens, why it happens, and most important of all... what you need to do in order to make it happen. You can not skip ahead. You will need to know this in order to create your weight loss diet plan in Phase 2.
So, to sum up, by the end of this page you're going to know how to lose weight. Sound good? Great. Let's get to it...


You know when you eat food and drink drinks? Well, every one of those foods and every one of those drinks contain calories. Say it with me... calories. The reason I'm mentioning calories to you as though you are 5 years old is because the answer to the almighty "how to lose weight" question all revolves around calories. Not only does everything you eat and drink contain calories, but everything you do burnscalories. Literally every step you take and every move you make burns calories. In fact, your body actually burns hundreds and even thousands of calories each day on its own just functioning. You could sit still all day and your body would still burn calories.
So now you may be wondering, if everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do burns calories, shouldn't they just cancel each other out? Yes, they should... and they do. If you consume the exact same number of calories that your body burns each day, your weight would stay exactly the same. If your body naturally burns 3000 calories a day, and you happen to eat 3000 calories a day, your weight would not change. In this example, 3000 calories is what's known as acalorie maintenance level. It's the number of calories required for the body to maintain its current weight.
I should probably have you repeat "calorie maintenance level" with me, because if there's one thing more important than calories when it comes to losing weight... it's your calorie maintenance level.

Calorie Maintenance Level (And the "big secret")

Your calorie maintenance level is pretty useful to know. Think of it like it's your body's weight loss password, and knowing it will get you into your own private weight loss system. Once you're in, you'll be able to control your weight with ease. In fact, for anyone wondering how to lose weight, this is the number at the heart of that answer. The best way I can explain why is by telling you the big secret...
Like I said, every person's body needs a certain number of calories each day in order for them to maintain their current weight. This is your maintenance level. If your diet plan is made up of the SAME number of calories as this maintenance level, your weight will stay the same. However, if your diet is made up of MORE calories than your maintenance level, you will GAIN weight. But... get this... if your diet is made up of LESS calories than your maintenance level... YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT!

Calorie Deficit (Giving your body less calories than it needs)

You just learned the one simple fact that The Lose Weight Diet is based on. Pretty cool huh? I told you, weight loss is all about calories. More specifically, it's about creating a calorie deficit. You need to end up burning more calories than you consume. If your daily calorie maintenance level is 3000 calories, you will lose weight if you started eating 2500 calories a day. You would gain weight if you ate 3500 calories a day. I realize I was only supposed to explain how to lose weight, but you've also just learned how to gain weight.
Did you ever wonder how you gained weight? Now you know. You ate more than your maintenance level. To lose weight, you just need to reverse that. Simple, isn't it? You may have noticed that in the example above I subtracted 500 calories from the maintenance level. Subtracting 500 calories from your maintenance level is the magic weight loss number here. The reason for that is because there are about 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat. So, if you ate 500 less calories each day for 7 days, it would equal the 3500 less calories required to lose 1 pound. (500 x 7 = 3500)
Coincidentally, there are 7 days in a week. So, by eating 500 calories below your daily maintenance level, you would lose about 1 pound per week. Now would be a good time to mention that the healthy, safe, good, smart, and all around right amount of weight to lose for most people is 1 or 2 pounds a week. That is the widely agreed upon correct weight loss speed. I am bringing this up now because some people may be thinking, "If my maintenance level was 3000 calories, why shouldn't I just go straight to eating 1000 calories a day instead of only 2500?" Here's why...
Reducing your calorie intake by so much so fast is wrong, potentially unsafe and unhealthy, bad, dumb, silly, stupid, not smart, not good, and all around super incorrect. Got that? You'd end up losing muscle along with the fat. You'd be hungry, annoyed and feel like crap. Your body would go into a state where it actually KEEPS fat. Blah blah blah, blah blah. It would just be the complete opposite of the right thing to do. Remove this idea from your mind.

What about working out?

Here's another thing you may have been thinking. "I know how to lose weight... just eat fewer calories than I burn. I got that. I know I can do this by eating about 500 calories less than my maintenance level. But, instead of eating below my maintenance level, couldn't I just workout more and therefore burn more calories?" The answer is YES!
If your maintenance level is 3000 calories a day, and you are eating the full 3000 calories a day, you could lose weight by working out and burning those 500 calories each day. You'd still end up in the same calorie deficit this way just as you would by eating less. The only real difference is that it's quite a bit more work to burn off 500 calories every day through exercise than it is to just eat 500 less calories daily.
Weight loss is all about being in that calorie deficit. While you can technically accomplish this either way (through diet or workout), the best idea in terms of results and all around health is to do it using a combination of both if you can. A proper diet plan combined with a proper workout is the ideal weight loss scenario. But, I'll talk more about that later. First I need to cover one final Phase 1 question you may have...
"While explaining how to lose weight, you have only really mentioned calories. What about protein, carbs and fat? Don't they matter?" The answer is yes, but not in the way you might think.

Protein, Carbs, and Fat

You see, your total daily calorie intake is BY FAR the most important aspect of weight loss. Eat the right amount per day and you will lose weight regardless of where those calories came from. However, the foods and nutrients supplying those calories still do play many important roles in your diet and health for various reasons. As far as these "calorie suppliers" go, there's mainly just three; protein, carbs and fat. Despite what the many fad diets and commercial diet plans have scared you into thinking, your weight loss diet CAN and SHOULD contain a good amount of all three. (Exactly how much of each is coming up next.)
So, while you will definitely lose weight just as a result of being below your maintenance level, how much and what types of protein, carbs and fat you eat will indeed play many important roles in your overall weight loss results. Don't worry, I'll explain all of that next.

The end of Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet

You have reached the end of Phase 1. Right now you should fully understand how to lose weight. Feels good, doesn't it? I told you this was simple. What you need to do next is use what you just learned to create your own weight loss diet plan. That's what Phase 2 is. In Phase 2 you will learn exactly how to figure out what your calorie maintenance level is and exactly how many calories you should eat each day. You will also learn how much protein, carbs and fat you should be eating along with examples of which foods to get these nutrients from. You ready? Let's go...

12 Keys To Super-Charging Your Metabolism For Weight Loss!

You hear it all the time - "metabolism", but what is it? It's the process of converting food to energy (movement and heat). Metabolism happens in your muscles and organs and the result of it is what we commonly refer to as "burning calories". Metabolism is essentially the speed at which your body's motor is running.
"Basal metabolism" is the metabolic rate or caloric expenditure needed to maintain basal body functions such as your heart beating, breathing, muscle tone, etc. It's how fast your "motor" is running when you're still in a reclined position or sleeping. Basal metabolism accounts for about 75% of the calories you expend on a daily basis!.
The good news is that there are 12 ways you can "boost" your metabolism! The more of these you're able to incorporate into your life, the more you'll boost your metabolism. That means you'll be expending ("burning") more calories 24 hours a day!.

  • Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you're starving because you haven't had food in 18+ hours. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down. Food, especially complex carbohydrates, fuels your metabolism.
  • Eat earlier in the day! Research has demonstrated that you can lose weight simply by eating a substantial breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner. Dinner should be eaten as early as possible, preferably at least four hours before bedtime.
  • Never eat less than 1200 calories per day! Less than 1200 is usually not enough to support your basal metabolism and thus will slow your metabolism.
  • Snack frequently! Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and grains) fuel your metabolism. Also, snacking prevents you from becoming too hungry. The hungrier you are, the less control you have over what and how much you eat.
  • Eat more carbohydrates (food from plants), and less fat (food from many animals and other food with added fat)! Carbohydrates boost your metabolism and have fewer calories per weight than fat.
  • Do some type of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, stationary cycling, aerobic dancing, etc.) on a daily basis (preferably in the morning)! Forget this twice-a-week stuff. Our bodies were designed to be active on a daily basis! When we are, our metabolism soars!
  • In addition to your regular aerobic exercise, take a brisk 10 to 15 minute walk at lunch or in the evening. This serves to boost your metabolism even more!
  • Tone your muscles with weight training three days per week. Toned muscles send your metabolism through the roof. Do it!
  • Look for situations to be active. Park as far from the store as you can rather than looking for the closest parking spot. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, a broom rather than a blower, etc. Look for the "hard" way to do things!
  • Avoid alcohol! Alcohol depresses your metabolism and stimulates your appetite.
  • Drink 60+ ounces of water a day. Your metabolism needs plenty water to function properly. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.
  • Avoid the"3 P's".....pills, powders, and potions! There are NO quick fixes!

    Get started today! You'll feel better and your metabolism will be in "great shape"!

Author and exercise Physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss success stories and articles, and unique weight loss programs at his site..
Thank You Greg Landry!